Get to know Adrian
Adrian has 25 years experience as a senior recruiter and has worked at Eutopia for the past 15 years leading the contracts side of the business. Beyond Eutopia’s traditional technology and telecoms client base, Adrian has added Retail, HR, Learning and Transformation specialisms to our expertise. Working with the likes of Argos, BP, Linklaters LLP and other major corporates, Eutopia has been involved with major global change programmes across numerous markets.
Adrian holds a Degree in Estate Management, having started his career as a Chartered Surveyor. He quickly moved into the talent business, joining Progressive (part of S3 plc) in a technology recruitment role, sourcing Development specialists for City-based clients. His penultimate move was to UK-market leader Computer People, working with leading retailers (and vendors) in this space, such as Tesco, Sainsburys, Littlewoods and Ocado, supplying technology specialists on a contract basis.
Outside of work
Adrian lives in Hertfordshire with his wife and three young children and enjoys competing competitively in his spare time, having completed the Barcelona Ironman in 2022 and regular triathlons across the UK. His latest fad is mountaineering and rock climbing.